Why Should I Use Contribute Cloud?
Contribute Cloud is a lesson or presentation creation, distribution and collaboration platform. As the name suggests is a cloud-based which means that there is nothing to install, update or maintain on your system. All you need to access the system is a browser and head on over to http://contribute.cloud The main benefit of Contribute Cloud ...
January 27, 2018
7 Things You Didn’t Know About Contribute Cloud
Contribute Cloud is an online content creation platform. It is a online content delivery platform. It is also an online collaboration platform. Best of all, it is totally free to use for TouchIT users. Contribute Cloud allows you to take files that would normally be personal files, like a PDF or an Image, and then ...
February 27, 2018
Latest Update to Contribute Cloud
Some cool new features have been added in this release. Let’s take a look at the changes. User Interface – firstly, we have moved the Cast and the Chat windows into the notifications toolbar. Makes much more sense to have it here and takes up less space on the page. Buttons You are now able ...
March 9, 2018